Monday, March 8, 2010


qualification : A condition or circumstance that must be met or complied with (

fan : an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc. (

So, all props goes to for defining the words above.|| Do you think you qualify? || That’s the question I want you to answer.|| We, often as humans, admire the special talents and beauty of people we see before us (celebrities, athlete, or just a friend in general). || They can be defined as role models, someone we look up to, yes? || And when they make a small mistake, a simple mistake, or even making a decision we, or you as an individual don’t necessary approve on, we, or you as an individual, will cause a scene, make a fuss, argue. || We all fall into this trap, its something that everyone experience, so don’t be afraid to admit it.|| Think about this, every role model had to give an impact on a person before they become a role model. So, why are we trying to change their actions, and the ways the choose to be? If that is how it ends, why not we just be our own role models? || In every situations there are sides, one or the other. And most of the time, the different sides don’t get along, and that is when it comes falling down. I understand that everyone has their own opinion, and different ways of viewing things, and different ways of thinking things through. But, just because a situation has two sides doesn’t mean that the sides have to argue. Its clear that as humans, we have the tendency to labels things. We label every single thing there is. And it all comes down to two words. Win and Lose. Isn’t it? We fight for our side to prove that our side is better, we want to win. And then we get so caught up in the circle of fighting and arguing, we forget the true meaning being a fan.|| What ever happened to the time when being a fan meant to the person succeed. To do their best of their ability with our support, to put their happiness before our demands. And for them to have the freedom to control what they do and decisions they make, with happy supporting fans, to back them up. || But, no, this day, we are so caught up with what we want from them, that something so important is forgotten. We need to learn not to put our wants in front of what makes them happy, and though time and time again, we might end up disappointed, we need to face reality. || I’m not saying we can support our sides, and don’t have hope in them. I’m saying, accept the person you choose to be your role model as they are, face reality, and be the better person. ||

-I by no means have any right to tell you do you anything, anything at all. This blog was written to maybe open the eyes of few, and maybe lead others into different thinking. Please, do not get me wrong, I am not trying to control anyone or anybody whatsoever. This was all written by opinion. Thank you for taking your time out to read this, it is very much appreciated-

Sunday, January 17, 2010

yer yer a hoee

grrrrrr, its been a while, forgive me?
anyways, its the time of year for the breakdown of studying, for ...FINALS,
crud, i hate it, i hate it with a passion, i should be studying right now instead of writing
this blog, but eehhh, whatever, i dont want to study, i hate it. i mean school alone is fine, i just
hate the studying part, i dont mind homework either, i mean i dont prefer it, but i dont hate it as much as having to study for a test.
well, to get a little of topic here, i have this new thing where i say "yer yer a hoee!" or just
"yer yer!" i dont know what 'yer yer' means, but it just like adds an effect to what you're saying?
ya know? like i use to say "yeee!" cause its just fun, so that is what is new with my lifee,
and ohh, ive been online shopping (: yer yer! and ummm, i made a formspring, so ask me
questions!! <--- right there, go! ask me something right now, even if its the stupidest question, ill answer it (:
and i guess thats all? i need to get back to studying,
soooooo, byeeeeeeeeeee (:
--<3 savannah.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Steppie's Giveaway!?!
best giveaway of the year.
become a fan.
and enter it<3
simply because it is steppie's
what more is needed?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Background Information

Hello my fellow friends (: i surely hope you had/will be having a great day. I would like to ensure you, that from now and on, blogs posted such as the ones i have posted before, will mostlikely not happen, and again, i do not promise that they wont happen, just mostlikely wont. Alright, to start off, my name is Savannah, and your reading this from a soon to be 14 year old, to be precise, im 3 days away from being 14. I will be attending Orange Lutheran High, in the state of California. I would like to say, I get along with everyone, in my opinion, of course. I think im a pretty simple person, you might not think so, but that's your opinion, and i have nothing against it, but as a fact, i am just a girl, who is deeply in love with music, and living her life with no regrets, or at least i try not to have regrets. I like to smile, that has now grown upon me, since my past was not the brightest, I like to smile every moment I can. I can guarantee you, that some of the things I will be blogging about, you wont be understanding, and I hope you wont be dissappointed if I dont explain. And now, to know a little bit more, my birthday is August 19th, and on that day, I hope for nothing more but happiness. You might think what im about to say is silly, but, im not afraid to say so, quotes have a really big impact on my life, whether you want to believe it or not. Why? I believe that what people say are based off of past experiences, or what they see in the future, again, this is my opinion, you have all the right not to agree with me, and all the right to stop reading, but know, I really appreciate you for reading, but back with the quotes, yes, that is what i believe, so, for every quote I read, I try my best to comprehend them, as well as learn from them. Another thing is, I am a Jesus believer, you should be too, this is another opinion, but know, as a Christian, it is my job, to make sure, I spread the news. John 3:16 look it up. And that, is the basics of me, thank you for reading. Just know, you reading this, has brought a smile to my face (: -Savannah

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Hello there people who tend to "read" my pointless blogs (:
except for my first one, cause dont you dare say that was pointless, cause, it wasnt (:
Footloose, was very fun<3 it was amazing, hehe, i would definitely go and watch
it again, if i could, but i cant, cause its over ): sorry for all of you people out there
who missed out, what did i say? i told you to come even if you had to study for a big test for no apparent reason cause its summer<3 im pretty excited, because it's finally the month ive been waiting for all year, yup, August<3.
why August? because its my birthday, durr, haha, and because, its just August, man,
psh, who doesnt like August? im gonna smack you upside the head, haha j/k.
but you should like August, anyway. the 19th is the day<3, yup, a day right before
the talented Jesse Barrera's birthday<3, if you dont know who he is, then, SHAME ON YOU!,go and youtube him right now! immediately i say. he's pretty amazing.
i dont know, im quite weird, i tend to love youtube stars, i know, awkward right? haha, but anyways, 13 days until my birthday yo, send me some love? hah, like anyone is going to, but its alright, as long as you know i love you<3 hehe, yup.
hmmmm what is on my birthday wishlist...
Music Speak's tickets! ahhh! dying to go see it!
umm, Aj Rafael shirt<3 haha im pretty sure im getting that,
and umm, a Jesse Barrera shirt! im pretty sure im getting that too, but only
if that have my size, which at the moment, they do not ): so sad, so hopefully, before my birthday, they will restock again! yay! haha, hopefully.
hmmm so yeah, GO TO MUSIC SPEAKS! even if i cant go, GO anyways, cause its going to be BOMB! seriously, screw the big test, and go, dont miss out on another great performance k? k cool. hopefully ill see you there, but if not, then have fun, for me! mmmmmk? thanks.
----------Savannah YO.
((yo, is not my last name, but it would me frkn awesome if it was))

Friday, July 31, 2009


Tonight, is probably going to add on to my
"Best Nights/Day Of My Life" list (:

I mean, i get to see AJ Rafael<3
Im going to watch him perform Footloose!
&& im super excited.
July 31,2009 at 7:00PM
at the Riverside City College
Riverside, CA
Landis Performing Arts Theatre
come and join me[a long with a ton others] (:
support AJ!!
trust me, it ill definitely be worth it!
&& if you cant make it today,
go tomorrow(:
yup yup, August 1st
at 2:00PM, same place
^---------posted up there---------^
even though the pre sale for the tickets are over,
you should still come and buy tickets at the door
and support AJ (:
BUT, if you coming today, and somehow,
somewhere over the rainbow, we meet each other,
that would be fantastic(:
anyway, just come, it'll be fun,
psh, what else more amazing are you gonna do on a
Friday night, besides going to clubs
bars,&& partying.
&&& even if you have to study for a big test
or whatever, [[why would you have a big test during summer??]]
still come, because, its worth it(:
you can fail a test, and make up for it,
[[haha, but dont fail.]]
but, if you dont go today or tomorrow
to Footloose && see && support AJ
you'll most likely never get the chance to again.
so COME (:
with love<3